Poster Presentations
List of Researches for Poster Presentations
Please refer to the pdf document below.
UPDATE 01 August 2019: Poster Presentation Sessions
Please note that poster presentations will be held in 2 sessions. Session 1 on Saturday (3rd August 2019) and Session 2 on Sunday (4th August 2019).
Posters should be set up on the board between 9.30-10.30 am and taken down 5.30-6.30 pm on the session day.
You may download the pdf version of the most current list of posters presenters via this link (pdf file).
Poster: Session 1
- Saturday, 3rd August 2019
- 10.30 am - 5.30 pm
- Venue: Banquet Hall, Chancellery II
Poster: Session 2
- Sunday, 4th August 2019
- 10.30 am - 5.30 pm
- Venue: Banquet Hall, Chancellery II
Poster Presentation Sessions

Poster Presentation GUIDELINES
Poster presentation should highlight the research methods and outcomes. Posters are primarily for visual presentations, thus minimal amount of text should support or supplement the graphical materials. Self-explanatory graphics should dominate the poster.
The poster should use photos, figures and tables to tell the story of the study. The author should be able to present the information in the poster in a logical sequence that is easy to follow.
The following should guide the author(s) in preparing the poster:
- The size of the soft-board that will be provided is 6 feet (182.88 cm) by 4 feet (121.92 cm) in dimensions.
- Participants may consider printing their poster in portrait orientation, A0 Size (84.1 cm x 118.9 cm).
- Graphic materials and text should be read easily or visible from a minimum of 6 feet away.
- Arrange the materials/information into columns and use font size of about should be readable 15-20 feet away.
- Place the elements of the abstract in this suggested position:
- The Title will appear across the top. The Title will include the title of the work, author’s name and institutional affiliation
- The Introduction/Background will appear at the upper left
- The Conclusion will appear at the lower right
- Methods and Results will fill the remaining space
- Use schematic diagrams, arrows and other visual representations to direct the attention of the viewer rather than explaining it all using text alone.
- Use number to sequence the sections of the poster.
- Use short sentences, simple words and bullets to highlight significant points.